1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petition— PE1947: Address Scotland's culture of youth violence, taking evidence from— Emily Beever, Senior Development Officer, No Knives, Better Lives Will Linden, Deputy Head of Unit and Head of Analysis, Scottish Violence Reduction Unit (SVRU) Jonathan Watters, Community Policing Inspector, Police Scotland. and then consider— PE1864: Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms; PE1916: Request a public inquiry into the management of the rest and be thankful project; PE1957: Home Reports – make surveyors more accountable; and PE2002: Ensure access to legal aid for people with disabilities. . 3. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE2050: Prohibit the use of recreational drones on national nature reserves without a permit from NatureScot; PE2051: Improve the processes for protecting children and young people from traumatic incidents at school; PE2058: Require all dog boarding kennels to install smoke detectors, smoke alarms and sprinkler systems; and PE2059: Ensure pedestrian crossings cannot be disabled without an equivalent safety measure in place. 4. Consideration of Evidence: The Committee will consider the evidence it heard under agenda item 2. 5. Review of Evidence - PE1979 (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence heard at its last meeting on petition PE1979: Establish an independent inquiry and an independent national whistleblowing officer to investigate concerns about the alleged mishandling of child safeguarding enquiries by public bodies. 6. Review of Evidence - A9 Dualling Project (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence heard at its last meeting.
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