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Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Tuesday 03 October 2023 10:00 AM


1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 4, 5 and 6 in private. 2. Instruments subject to affirmative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Mental Health (National Secure Adolescent Inpatient Service: Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/Draft) Heat Networks (Supply Targets) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/Draft) 3. Instruments subject to negative procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Marriage Between Persons of Different Sexes (Prescribed Bodies) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/266) Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/267) 4. Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the delegated powers provisions in this Bill at Stage 1. 5. Data Protection and Digital Information (No2) Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will consider the supplementary legislative consent memorandum on the Bill. 6. Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will consider the powers to make subordinate legislation within devolved competence conferred on UK Ministers in the Bill.

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Latest meetings: Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee (Session 6)