1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 7 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— Public Procurement (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 3. Product Regulation and Metrology Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will take evidence on legislative consent memorandum (LCM(S6)50) from— Richard Lochhead, Minister for Business, Euan Page, Head of UK Frameworks, and Pieter van de Graaf, Head of International Trade Flows and Regulations, Scottish Government. 4. City Region and Regional Growth Deals: The Committee will take evidence from— Malcolm Bennie, Director of Place Services, Falkirk Growth Deal; David McDowall, Head of Economic Growth, Ayrshire Growth Deal; Anne Murray, Chief Officer, Economic & Community Regeneration, Islands Growth Deal; Rick O'Farrell, Director, Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal. 5. Product Regulation and Metrology Bill (UK Parliament legislation): The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier under agenda item 3. 6. City Region and Regional Growth Deals: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier under agenda item 4. 7. Work programme: The Committee will consider a paper by the clerk with a proposal for joint work with the Education, Children and Young People Committee on skills policy.
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