1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3, and consideration of future evidence received during this inquiry, in private. 2. Disability employment gap: The Committee will take evidence from— Elizabeth Baird, Regeneration Manager, Inverclyde Council (representing the Inverclyde Local Employability Partnership); Dave McCallum, Head of Career Information, Advice and Guidance Operations, Skills Development Scotland; Philip Ritchie, Business Growth and Inclusion Contract and Programme Manager, City of Edinburgh Council (representing the Edinburgh Local Employability Partnership); Alasdair Scott, Employability Lead Officer, Scottish Borders Council (representing the Scottish Borders Local Employability Partnership); and then from— David Cameron, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Union of Supported Employment; Oxana MacGregor-Gunn, Assistant Director of Operations, Scottish Action for Mental Health; Ashley Ryan, Director of Enable Works, Enable. 3. Disability employment gap: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting. 4. Work programme: The Committee will review a recent visit and consider correspondence from the Public Audit Committee about the Auditor General for Scotland’s draft work programme.
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