1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 3 and 4 in private.
2. Moveable Transactions Bill: The Committee will take evidence from-
Dr Andrew Steven, former Scottish Law Commissioner;
Dr Ross Anderson, Advocate;
Professor George Gretton, Emeritus Lord President Reid Professor of Law, University of Edinburgh and former Scottish Law Commissioner;
Bruce Wood CVO, Consultant, Morton Fraser Lawyers, Solicitors;
Dr Hamish Patrick, Head of Financial Sector, Shepherd and Wedderburn, Solicitors.
3. Moveable Transactions Bill: The Committee will consider the evidence heard at today's meeting.
4. Consumer Scotland Bill: The Committee will consider a draft Stage 1 report.
5. Renewable Heat Target (in private): The Committee will consider its response to the Scottish Government on the renewable heat target.
Proposed future business
The Committee will next meet on 10 December. For further information, contact Alison Walker the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are on extension 0131 348 5403.
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