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Education, Children and Young People Committee

Wednesday 08 December 2021 9:30 AM


1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (Applications for Removal from List and Late Representations) Amendment Regulations 2021 from— Clare Haughey MSP, Minister for Children and Young People, Scottish Government; Lynne McMinn, Director of Policy, Customer Engagement and Communications, and Rachel McLean, Disclosure (Scotland) Act Implementation Manger, Disclosure Scotland; Denise McKay, Deputy Director, Scottish Government Legal Directorate. 2. Subordinate legislation: Oliver Mundell to move—S6M- 02353—That the Education, Children and Young People Committee recommends that the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (Applications for Removal from List and Late Representations) Amendment Regulations 2021 be annulled. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments— SSI 2021/380 Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 (Commencement No. 1 and Transitory Provision) Regulations 2021 4. Skills: Alignment with Business Needs: The Committee will take evidence from— Leon Thompson, Executive Director, Scotland, UK Hospitality; Paul Mitchell, Head of Employment Affairs, Scottish Building Federation; and then from— Professor Mark Logan, Professor in Practice, School of Computing Science, Glasgow University; Dr Natalie Coull, Head of Cyber Security, School of Design and Informatics, Abertay University; Karen Meechan, Chief Executive Officer, and Nicola Taylor, Head of Operations and Skills, ScotlandIS. 5. Evidence Session The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 4

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Latest meetings: Education, Children and Young People Committee