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Education, Children and Young People Committee

Wednesday 15 November 2023 9:30 AM


1. Education Reform: The Committee will take evidence from— Peter Bain, Executive Head Teacher, Oban High School, Tiree High School, Tiree Primary School and Lismore Primary School and President-elect, School Leaders Scotland; Greg Dempster, General Secretary, Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland; Barry Graham, Head Teacher, Wallace Hall Academy, Dumfries and Galloway; Graham Hutton, General Secretary, School Leaders Scotland and former Head Teacher, Grove Academy, Dundee; Pauline Walker, Head Teacher, Royal High School, Edinburgh. 2. Report by James Withers on the Independent Review of the Skills Delivery Landscape: The Committee will take evidence from James Withers. 3. Evidence Session (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda items 1 and 2. 4. Work programme (in private): The Committee will consider its work programme.

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Latest meetings: Education, Children and Young People Committee