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Education, Children and Young People Committee

Wednesday 26 October 2022 9:30 AM


1. Pre Budget Scrutiny - Early Learning and Childcare: The Committee will take evidence from— Margot Black, Early Years Manager, Children and Young People, and Kirsty Maxwell, Finance Business Partner (Education & Lifelong Learning, Finance & Corporate Governance), Scottish Borders Council; Wendy Brownlie, Head of Education: Performance and Improvement, Argyll & Bute Council; Carrie Lindsay, Executive Director of Education and Children's Services, and Stewart Westwater, Quality Improvement Officer - Early Years, Fife Council. 2. Public petitions: The Committee will consider the following petitions— [PE1548] National Guidance on Restraint and Seclusion in Schools and [PE1692] Inquiry into the human rights impact of GIRFEC policy and data processing 3. Evidence Session (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 1.

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Latest meetings: Education, Children and Young People Committee