1. Human Rights and the Scottish Parliament: The Committee will take evidence from— Nick Hobbs, Head of Advice and Investigations, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland; Nora Uhrig, Senior Associate - Programmes Scotland, Equalities and Human Rights Commission; Marie Anderson, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman, Northern Ireland Ombudsman; Judith Robertson, Chair, Scottish Human Rights Commission; and then from— Delia Henry, Director of Charity Services, Age Scotland; Anthony Horan, Director, Catholic Parliamentary Office of the Bishops' Conference of Scotland; Ally Thomson, Director, Dying in Dignity; Lucy Mulvagh, Director of Policy and Communications, Health and Social Care Alliance; Gordon MacRae, Chief Executive, Humanist Society; Bill Scott, Director of Policy, Inclusion Scotland; Michael Clancy, Director of Law Reform, Law Society of Scotland; Graham O'Neill, Policy Officer, Scottish Refugee Council; Helen Martin, Assistant General Secretary, Scottish Trades Union Congress. 2. Human Rights and the Scottish Parliament (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence received. 3. Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider its approach to the scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 1. 4. Prisoner Voting in Scotland (in private): The Committee will consider correspondence from the UK Ministry of Justice.
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