1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments— Justice of the Peace Court Fees (Scotland) Order 2022 Sheriff Court Fees Order 2022 High Court of Justiciary Fees Order 2022 Sheriff Appeal Court Fees Order 2022 Adults with Incapacity (Public Guardian’s Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 Court of Session etc. Fees Order 2. Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government, Peter Hope-Jones, Head of Gender Recognition Unit, and Colin Gilchrist, Solicitor, Scottish Government. 3. Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence it heard under agenda item 2. 4. Work programme (in private): The Committee will consider its work programme.
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