1. Scotland’s Economic and Fiscal Forecasts May 2018: The Committee will take evidence from- Dame Susan Rice, Chair, David Wilson, Commissioner, Professor Alasdair Smith, Commissioner, and John Ireland, Chief Executive, Scottish Fiscal Commission. 2. Scottish Government Medium- Term Financial Strategy: The Committee will take evidence from- Derek Mackay, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Constitution, John Nicholson, Deputy Director for Financial Scrutiny and Outcomes, Aidan Grisewood, Deputy Director – Fiscal Responsibility Division, and Simon Fuller, Acting Deputy Director, Scottish Government. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Scottish Fiscal Commission (Modification of Functions) Regulations 2018 [draft] from— Derek Mackay, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Constitution, and Aidan Grisewood, Deputy Director – Fiscal Responsibility Division, Scottish Government. 4. Subordinate legislation: Derek Mackay (Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Constitution) to move S5M-12320—That the Finance and Constitution Committee recommends that the Scottish Fiscal Commission (Modification of Functions) Regulations 2018 [draft] be approved. 5. Work programme (in private): The Committee will consider its work programme.
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