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Finance and Constitution Committee

Wednesday 29 November 2017 9:00 AM


1. European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (UK Parliament Legislation): The Committee will take evidence on legislative consent memorandum LCM (S5) 10 from— Michael Russell, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland's Place in Europe, Ian Davidson, Deputy Director, Constitution and UK Relations Division, and Luke McBratney, Bill Manager, Constitutional Policy Team, Scottish Government. 2. The Impact of Brexit on the Scottish Budget: The Committee will take evidence from— Dr Jim Campbell, Reader, Women in Scotland’s Economy Research Centre, Glasgow Caledonian University; Jonathan Hall, Director of Policy and Member Services, NFU Scotland; Naomi Clayton, Policy and Research Manager, Centre for Cities (LSE). 3. Draft Budget 2018/19: The Committee will take evidence on the administration and collection of Scottish income tax from— Jim Harra, Director General Customer Strategy and Tax Design, and Sarah Walker, Deputy Director Devolution, HMRC.

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Latest meetings: Finance and Constitution Committee