Ruth Davidson S5F-04833
1. Question to be taken in Chamber.
Jackie Baillie S5F-04834
2. Question to be taken in Chamber.
Willie Rennie S5F-04835
3. Question to be taken in Chamber.
Alison Johnstone S5F-04836
4. Question to be taken in Chamber.
Stuart McMillan S5F-04852
5. To ask the First Minister how much the Tenant Hardship Loan Fund has paid out to date to support tenants who are struggling with rent arrears.
Jackson Carlaw S5F-04844
6. To ask the First Minister what the anticipated outcomes and timetable are for the Case Record Review into mesh implant surgeries, which is being led, as moderator, by Professor Alison Britton.
Rhoda Grant S5F-04848
7. To ask the First Minister how the risk of COVID-19 transmission within Scottish courts is being mitigated, in light of the increase in prisoners testing positive within the prison estate.
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