Douglas Ross S6F-01551 1. Question to be taken in Chamber. Anas Sarwar S6F-01552 2. Question to be taken in Chamber. Tess White S6F-01565 3. To ask the First Minister what assessment the Scottish Government has made of the emergency response to flooding in the north east of Scotland in recent days. Evelyn Tweed S6F-01563 4. To ask the First Minister what steps the Scottish Government is taking to ensure that gender-based violence is being tackled in Scotland, in light of the start tomorrow of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. Russell Findlay S6F-01572 5. To ask the First Minister how much the Scottish Prison Service has spent on providing free mobile phones to all prisoners. Stephanie Callaghan S6F-01564 6. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government's response is to the Supreme Court decision regarding legislating on an independence referendum. Sarah Boyack S6F-01560 7. To ask the First Minister what action the Scottish Government is taking to ensure that refugees from Ukraine have suitable accommodation on arrival in Scotland.
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