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General Questions

Thursday 01 February 2024 11:40 AM


Annabelle Ewing S6O-03046 1. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met with Fife Council housing officials and what was discussed. Gordon MacDonald S6O-03047 2. To ask the Scottish Government what representations it has made to the UK Government regarding any medicine shortages in Scotland. Sharon Dowey S6O-03048 3. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to improve recruitment and retention of GPs and consultants, particularly in rural areas. Colin Smyth S6O-03049 4. To ask the Scottish Government when it last discussed waiting times for hernia operations with NHS Dumfries and Galloway. Michelle Thomson S6O-03050 5. To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made, including through any funding to the National Autism Implementation Team, to help all NHS board areas establish adult neurodevelopmental pathways. Kevin Stewart S6O-03051 6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to tackle the potential harm of gambling to individuals, families and communities. Kenneth Gibson S6O-03052 7. To ask the Scottish Government what engagement it has had with the UK Government regarding any charges levied by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency for converting to, and investing in, net zero fishing vessels. Rachael Hamilton S6O-03053 8. To ask the Scottish Government what percentage of annual woodland planting targets have been met in each year since 2017-18.

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Latest meetings: General Questions