Michelle Thomson S6O-04234 1. To ask the Scottish Government how the additional £34 million allocated to Culture and Heritage in its draft Budget will assist in the preservation of any small, yet key, Scottish heritage sites under threat of closure, such as Kinneil Museum in the Falkirk East constituency. Clare Haughey S6O-04235 2. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to support South Lanarkshire Council as part of the local government settlement for 2025-26. Kenneth Gibson S6O-04236 3. To ask the Scottish Government how much it anticipates will be paid in this financial year in PFI and PPP unitary charge payments across the public sector. Ben Macpherson S6O-04237 4. To ask the Scottish Government how it is supporting and investing in youth work. Finlay Carson S6O-04238 5. To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to improve road safety on key routes. Foysol Choudhury S6O-04239 6. To ask the Scottish Government, regarding any implications for its provision of funding for humanitarian aid in Gaza, whether it will provide an update on what discussions it has had with the UK Government regarding recent developments in Gaza. Evelyn Tweed S6O-04240 7. To ask the Scottish Government how it is supporting community efforts to preserve built heritage, ancient monuments and archaeological sites. Miles Briggs S6O-04241 8. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether the remit of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry remains appropriate.
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