John Mason S6O-03380 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its involvement in the proposals for Glasgow to potentially host the Commonwealth Games in 2026. Paul O'Kane S6O-03381 2. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met with Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Stephanie Callaghan S6O-03382 3. To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the potential impact of reports that HC-One plans to terminate the contract for the Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care service at Hatton Lea Care Home. Pam Gosal S6O-03383 4. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to help local authorities tackle damp and mould in social housing. Ariane Burgess S6O-03384 5. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the rural affairs secretary has had with ministerial colleagues regarding what steps it can take to protect horticultural workers on seasonal worker visas from unfair work practices and substandard accommodation. Colin Smyth S6O-03385 6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to prevent the closure of care homes in South Lanarkshire. Roz McCall S6O-03386 7. To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has conducted of the impact of its reformed dental payments system, introduced on 1 November 2023, in the Mid Scotland and Fife region. Jeremy Balfour S6O-03387 8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it has followed the advice issued by the Information Commissioner's Office regarding appropriate governance and controls for the use of children’s Scottish Candidate Numbers for research in the education system.
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