Paul O'Kane S6O-01046 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the recent report by the charity, Magic Breakfast, showing that four in 10 Scottish schools have no breakfast provision at all and that breakfast provision in Scotland reaches the fewest disadvantaged pupils per school of any UK nation. Gillian Martin S6O-01047 2. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the report, A Just Transition? The Voices of Oil and Gas Workers . Meghan Gallacher S6O-01048 3. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the transition to secondary school and flexi-schooling models for pupils with additional support needs. Fiona Hyslop S6O-01049 4. To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to accelerate energy efficiency and other measures in the coming months ahead of a further potential increase in the price cap in October. Martin Whitfield S6O-01050 5. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met representatives from the hospitality sector. Liam Kerr S6O-01051 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the A96 dualling project. Stuart McMillan S6O-01052 7. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the removal of peak fares from ScotRail services. Michael Marra 8. [Not Lodged]
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