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General Questions

Thursday 23 November 2023 11:40 AM


Keith Brown S6O-02773 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on progress towards addressing the reported concerns raised by local residents about HMP Stirling. Christine Grahame S6O-02774 2. To ask the Scottish Government what measures it has in place to reduce disruption to public services due to severe winter weather. Alexander Stewart S6O-02775 3. To ask the Scottish Government how many civil servants worked on the production of the latest Building a New Scotland paper on immigration and EU policy. Jamie Halcro Johnston S6O-02776 4. To ask the Scottish Government how many health services across the Highlands and Islands have been downgraded or lost entirely over the last 16 years. Neil Bibby S6O-02777 5. To ask the Scottish Government when the education secretary last met with Renfrewshire Council, and what issues were discussed. Bob Doris 6. [Not Lodged] Audrey Nicoll S6O-02779 7. To ask the Scottish Government how it is working with third sector agencies to improve outcomes for vulnerable people. Monica Lennon S6O-02780 8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the roll-out of HPV home testing and plans to prevent and eradicate cervical cancer.

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Latest meetings: General Questions