1. Proposed Draft Order - The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (Healthcare Whistleblowing) Order 2019 (SG/2019/66) and Proposed Explanatory Document (SG/2019/67): The Committee will take evidence from—
Rosemary Agnew, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman;
Rhona Atkinson, Non-Executive Director, Vice Chair and Whistleblowing Champion, NHS Grampian;
Alison Mitchell, Non-Executive Board Member and Whistleblowing Champion, NHS Lothian;
Bob Matheson, Head of Advice and Advocacy, Protect (the Whistleblowing Charity);
and then from—
Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, and Shirley Rogers, NHS Scotland Chief People Officer & Director of Health Workforce, Leadership, Reform and EU Exit preparations, Scottish Government.
2. Proposed Draft Order - The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (Healthcare Whistleblowing) Order 2019 (SG/2019/66) and Proposed Explanatory Document (SG/2019/67) (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.
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