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Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Tuesday 07 December 2021 9:00 AM


1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 in private. 2. Inquiry on Perinatal Mental Health: The Committee will take evidence from— Selena Gleadow-Ware, Perinatal Faculty Chair, Royal College of Psychiatrists; Mary Ross Davie, Director for Professional Midwifery, Royal College of Midwives; Dr Arun Chopra, Executive Director (Medical), Mental Welfare Commission and; Professor Marian Knight, Professor of Maternal and Child Population Health, MBRRACE; and then from— Cat Berry, Group Facilitator and Volunteer Coordinator, Juno Perinatal Mental Health Support; Joanne Smith, Chair, Maternal Mental Health Scotland; Fiona Challacombe, Patron, Maternal OCD and; Clea Harmer, Chief Executive, Sands. 3. Inquiry on Perinatal Mental Health: The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 2.

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Latest meetings: Health, Social Care and Sport Committee