1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 6 in private. 2. Brexit and family law: The Committee will take evidence, in round-table format, from— Janys M Scott QC, Faculty of Advocates; Lucia Clark, Partner, Morton Fraser; Juliet Harris, Director, Together Scotland; Professor Paul Beaumont, Chair in EU and Private International Law, University of Aberdeen; Professor Janeen Carruthers, Professor of Private Law, University of Glasgow. 3. Brexit and civil, commercial and consumer law: The Committee will take evidence, in round-table format, from— Jason Freeman, Legal Director (Consumer), Competition and Markets Authority; Frank Johnstone, Partner, Dentons; James Mure QC, Convenor, European Committee, and Peter Sellar, Member, Faculty of Advocates; Graeme Paton, Chartered Trading Standards Practitioner, Society of Chief Officers of Trading Standards in Scotland; Professor Paul Beaumont, Chair in EU and Private International Law, University of Aberdeen; Professor Janeen Carruthers, Professor of Private Law, University of Glasgow. 4. Brexit and family law - witness expenses: The Committee will be invited to delegate to the Convener responsibility for arranging for the SPCB to pay, under Rule 12.4.3, any expenses of witnesses in the evidence session. 5. Brexit and civil, commercial and consumer law - witness expenses: The Committee will be invited to delegate to the Convener responsibility for arranging for the SPCB to pay, under Rule 12.4.3, any expenses of witnesses in the evidence session. 6. Work programme: The Committee will consider its work programme.
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