1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private.
2. Pre-Budget Scrutiny: The Committee will take evidence as part of its Pre-Budget Scrutiny from-
Melanie Allan, Head of Financial Policy & Services, Colin McConnell, Chief Executive, and Jim McMenemy, Head of Operational Planning & Performance Management, Scottish Prison Service;
and then from—
Humza Yousaf, Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Neil Rennick, Director of Justice, and David Doris, Diversion and Community Sentences Team Leader, Community Justice Division, Scottish Government.
3. Justice Sub-Committee on Policing: The Committee will consider a report back from the Sub-Committee meeting held on 3 October 2019.
4. Pre-Budget Scrutiny: The Committee will consider the evidence heard at today's meeting.
Proposed future business
For further information, please contact StephenImrie, Clerk to the Committee on 0131 348 5195 or by
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