1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 4, 5 and 6 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 from— Joe FitzPatrick, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning, Kristen Anderson, Principal Planner, Andy Kinnaird, Head of Transforming Planning, and Carrie Thomson, Head of Development Planning & Housing, Scottish Government. 3. Community Planning Inquiry: Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Community Empowerment Act 2015: The Committee will take evidence from— Joe FitzPatrick, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning, Andrew Connal, Team Leader, Public Service Reform and Community Planning, and David Milne, Team Leader, Public Service Reform and Community Planning, Scottish Government; Councillor Steven Heddle, Vice President, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA); Simon Cameron, Chief Officer, Workforce and Corporate Policy Team, and Lucy Devlin, Policy Assistant, Workforce and Corporate Policy Team, COSLA. 4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting. 5. Community Planning Inquiry: Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Community Empowerment Act 2015: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting. 6. Work programme: The Committee will consider its approach to developing its work programme.
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