1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 3, 4 and 5 in private. 2. Local Governance Review: The Committee will take evidence from— Councillor Euan Jardine, Leader, Scottish Borders Council; Councillor Shaun Macaulay, Depute Leader, North Ayrshire Council; Councillor Alex Nicoll, Co-Leader, Aberdeen City Council; Councillor David Ross, Leader, Fife Council; Councillor James Stockan, Leader, Orkney Islands Council; and then from— Councillor Shona Morrison, President, COSLA; Cleland Sneddon, Chair, SOLACE; Sarah Watters, Director of Membership and Resources, COSLA. 3. Local Governance Review: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting. 4. National Planning Framework 4: The Committee will consider a draft report. 5. National Care Service (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider its submission to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee.
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