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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Tuesday 01 February 2022 10:00 AM


1. Declaration of interests: Graeme Dey will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Choice of Deputy Convener: The Committee will choose a Deputy Convener. 3. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private. 4. National Planning Framework 4 : The Committee will take evidence from— Tony Cain , Policy Manager, Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers; Andrew Fyfe, Chair, Scottish Housing with Care Task Force; Tony Aitken, Vicechair of the Scottish Property Federation Planning & Development Committee, Scottish Property Federation; David Stewart, Policy Lead, Scottish Land Commission; Nicola Barclay, Chief Executive, Homes for Scotland. 5. Medium Term Financial Strategy Review: The Committee will consider a draft letter to the Finance and Public Administration Committee. 6. Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider its approach to the scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 1. 7. Scottish Social Housing Charter: The Committee will consider its approach to the inquiry. 8. National Planning Framework 4 (in private): The Committee will consider evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

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Latest meetings: Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee