General Questions Kenneth Gibson S6O-01700 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether any changes to the current devolution settlement should only be implemented with the explicit democratic consent of the Scottish people. Christine Grahame 2. [Withdrawn] Edward Mountain S6O-01702 3. To ask the Scottish Government when the National Treatment Centre - Highland will be fully operational. Audrey Nicoll S6O-01703 4. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has recently had with the Scottish Resilience Partnership in preparation for the winter. Rona Mackay S6O-01704 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the work of The Promise Scotland. Alasdair Allan S6O-01705 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the progress of the Barra and Vatersay Community Campus project. Murdo Fraser S6O-01706 7. To ask the Scottish Government how it ensures that NHS boards comply with public procurement rules in relation to the purchase and operation of specialist medical equipment. Colin Beattie S6O-01707 8. To ask the Scottish Government what the next steps are in implementing buffer zones outside abortion clinics in Scotland, in light of the UK Supreme Court judgement on this issue handed down on 7 December 2022. followed by First Minister's Questions Douglas Ross S6F-01631 1. Question to be taken in Chamber. Anas Sarwar S6F-01632 2. Question to be taken in Chamber. Rachael Hamilton S6F-01647 3. To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Government plans to address reported shortages of antibiotics, in light of the growing number of Strep A cases. Stuart McMillan S6F-01649 4. To ask the First Minister what impact the Self-Isolation Support Grant has had on low-income workers who have contracted COVID-19. Carol Mochan S6F-01648 5. To ask the First Minister, further to her commitment in June that a Women’s Health Champion for Scotland would be appointed in the summer, whether such an appointment will be made before Christmas. Ross Greer S6F-01653 6. To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Government is supporting public transport to be better used and more affordable. followed by Members' Business — S6M-06755 Pam Duncan-Glancy: UNISON Year of Disabled Workers 2022 That the Parliament celebrates UNISON and its recognition of 2022 as the Year of Disabled Workers; understands that UNISON is using these 12 months to promote disability in the workplace by highlighting the experiences of its disabled members as well as the value and insight that they bring to the union and workplace; notes that, with 200,000 disabled members, UNISON calls for a greater enforcement of legal rights, including the fundamental right to reasonable adjustments at work; recognises that the main aims of the Year of Disabled Workers include raising awareness of the social model of disability and the importance of changes to the workplace and working practices, explaining the implications of the disability pay gap as well as how it may be addressed, increasing members’ confidence to self-define as disabled, and increasing the number of disabled activists in the union, and thanks UNISON for its continued representation of disabled workers, including in the Glasgow region. followed by Portfolio Questions Net Zero, Energy and Transport Liam Kerr S6O-01692 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it considers hydrogen as an alternative to natural gas to be a viable solution to decarbonising heat in homes. Marie McNair S6O-01693 2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on how many drinks producers have registered with Circularity Scotland for the new Deposit Return Scheme. Roz McCall S6O-01694 3. To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been on the delivery of its Heat in Buildings Strategy, including decarbonising homes and workplaces. Rhoda Grant S6O-01695 4. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to support off-gas-grid households during the cost of living crisis. Karen Adam S6O-01696 5. To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it is giving to reinstating rail services to the north east, in particular to Peterhead and Fraserburgh in the Banffshire and Buchan Coast constituency. Sue Webber S6O-01697 6. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the open letter signed by over 500 businesses asking for the Deposit Return Scheme to be delayed beyond next summer. Finlay Carson S6O-01698 7. To ask the Scottish Government when the final recommendations of the Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 will be published. Jamie Greene S6O-01699 8. To ask the Scottish Government when the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport last met with CalMac representatives. followed by Ministerial Statement: Scottish Budget 2023-24 followed by Scottish Government Debate: Asset Transfers and Community Empowerment – Five Years On Tom Arthur S6M-07247 That the Parliament welcomes the progress that has been made to date in implementing Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015; recognises that ownership, lease or management of land and buildings are powerful tools for communities to drive change and achieve their shared ambitions; acknowledges the programme of support for participatory budgeting that has given communities a stronger voice in decisions on how public money is spent, and agrees that place-based, community-led regeneration can help local areas, individuals and businesses to tackle poverty and inequality, and build community wealth, on their own terms. Douglas Lumsden S6M-07247.1 Asset Transfers and Community Empowerment – Five Years On As an amendment to motion S6M-07247 in the name of Tom Arthur (Asset Transfers and Community Empowerment – Five Years On), insert at end "; welcomes the UK Government’s Community Ownership Fund, which will allow communities to take ownership of local institutions that have fallen into disrepair or are under threat of closure, and further welcomes that there are projects in Scotland benefiting from this fund." Paul Sweeney S6M-07247.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-07247 in the name of Tom Arthur (Asset Transfers and Community Empowerment – Five Years On), leave out from "welcomes" to end and insert "fully supports measures to empower communities and devolve power away from the Scottish Parliament, and considers that part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 was a positive step, allowing local groups to take ownership of assets for the benefit of their community; believes that pushing power into the hands of local people is a key part of unlocking the potential that exists across the whole country; recognises that, in communities across Scotland, there are positive examples of local groups taking control of assets and helping their area to flourish; regrets that communities still face significant barriers in exercising the rights given to them under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015; believes that there is still much to be done to ensure that communities across Scotland are given the resources and support they need to benefit from the Act, and calls on the Scottish Government to take all necessary steps to remove remaining barriers and push more power into the hands of communities." followed by Decision Time
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