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Meeting of the Parliament

Tuesday 24 January 2023 2:00 PM


Time for Reflection Holly Cameron and Aidan Coleman, Holocaust Educational Trust Ambassadors followed by Topical Questions Brian Whittle S6T-01128 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reported comments by the Auditor General for Scotland suggesting that Prestwick Airport will continue to require millions of pounds in continued public funding while it remains in public ownership. Katy Clark S6T-01111 2. To ask the Scottish Government what it steps it is taking to ensure teachers are equipped to discuss and address the issue of extremist online misogyny with pupils. followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill Màiri McAllan S6M-07600 That the Parliament agrees that the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill be passed. followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-07514 Michael Marra: Final Report of the Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside's Mental Health Services That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the final report from the Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside’s Mental Health Services; understands that the report tracks progress against the 51 recommendations made by Dr David Strang in his report, Trust and Respect; recognises that the group has met with staff, third sector and community groups, patients and families while compiling the report; notes the view that progress has been made, including on changes of leadership and clarifying of roles; believes that the report also highlights key areas where recommendations have not seen sufficient action taken, including in the areas of strategic planning, staff appraisals, governance and public performance reporting; thanks the oversight group and all those who contributed to its work, and notes the calls for reassurances that outstanding recommendations will be enacted.

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