Portfolio Questions Rural Affairs and Islands Graham Simpson S6O-01996 1. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the rural affairs secretary has had with ministerial colleagues regarding an assessment of the impact of short-term let licencing on the rural economy. Rachael Hamilton S6O-01997 2. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is, regarding the implications for the food and drink supply chain in Scotland, to the National Farmers Union’s petition on improving food security. Pam Gosal S6O-01998 3. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on when its response to the Agriculture Bill consultation will be published. Joe FitzPatrick S6O-01999 4. To ask the Scottish Government when it last engaged with the UK Government regarding support available through future budgets to support agriculture in Scotland, including the replacement of EU agricultural funding. Willie Coffey S6O-02000 5. To ask the Scottish Government how it supports agriculture in Ayrshire. Brian Whittle S6O-02001 6. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the rural affairs secretary has had with ministerial colleagues regarding how it will ensure that the needs of the rural economy are considered in its plans for the decarbonisation of transport. Clare Adamson S6O-02002 7. To ask the Scottish Government what its initial assessment is of the potential impact of the Windsor Framework on the food and drink supply chain in Scotland. Jenni Minto S6O-02003 8. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the rural affairs secretary has had with ministerial colleagues regarding supporting sustainability of the rural economy in areas such as Argyll and Bute. Health and Social Care Rhoda Grant 1. [Withdrawn] Willie Rennie S6O-02005 2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the recruitment of breast cancer oncologists in NHS Tayside. Russell Findlay S6O-02006 3. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports that over 600,000 people are on a hospital waiting list. Richard Leonard 4. [Withdrawn] Colin Beattie S6O-02008 5. To ask the Scottish Government what impact increases in prices and energy costs have had on the ability of NHS boards to deliver capital projects. Kaukab Stewart S6O-02009 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on any ongoing work with NHS Golden Jubilee to make additional capacity available for elective operations in order to minimise pressure on waiting times. Mark Griffin 7. [Withdrawn] Gillian Martin S6O-02011 8. To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to prevent foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. followed by Scottish Government Debate: Delivering the Scottish Government’s Vision for Agriculture through the Agricultural Reform Route Map Mairi Gougeon S6M-08212 That the Parliament welcomes the Scottish Government’s Vision for Agriculture, which outlines its aim to transform how it supports farming and food production in Scotland to become a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture, commits to supporting farmers and crofters to produce more of Scotland's food more sustainably to contribute to food security, and acknowledges the need for change to make sure that farming plays its part in cutting emissions, mitigating climate change and restoring and enhancing nature and biodiversity; agrees that there is no contradiction between high-quality food production and producing it in a way that delivers for climate and nature restoration; welcomes the recently-published Agricultural Reform Route Map, which sets out the phased implementation of the four-tier Future Support Framework in order to deliver the Vision and avoid any cliff edges; further welcomes the Scottish Government’s commitment to co-development, demonstrated through its consultation on a Scottish Agriculture Bill and its commitment to working with all partners committed to a vibrant and successful rural Scotland; recognises the uncertainty and limitations on planning, caused by Brexit, and calls upon the UK Government to fulfil its outstanding commitments to fully replace EU funds, and to engage collectively and meaningfully on future agriculture funding. Rachael Hamilton S6M-08212.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-08212 in the name of Mairi Gougeon (Delivering the Scottish Government’s Vision for Agriculture through the Agricultural Reform Route Map), leave out from "to become" to end and insert "; welcomes the ongoing commitment from Scotland’s agricultural sector to meet net zero by 2045; notes the sector’s contribution of £2.9 billion to Scotland’s economy, with one in 10 jobs being dependent on agriculture; further notes that the Climate Change Committee has highlighted that, as things stand, the Scottish Government will miss its targets to reduce agricultural emissions; recognises that agricultural businesses plan years in advance and that the Scottish Government has failed to provide these businesses with funding certainty, including clarity on whether farmers will be able to apply for all tiers of funding in the new proposed payment system; congratulates farmers and crofters for putting high-quality food on people's plates; urges the Scottish Government to put food security at the heart of its new vision, with a pragmatic land use strategy; calls for farmers in Scotland to be allowed to use gene editing technology to help drive innovation and keep costs low for the agricultural sector, and welcomes the Scottish Government's engagement with farmers and crofters from across Scotland to shape a viable and successful future for generations to come." followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-07215 John Mason: Promoting the Benefits of Camping That the Parliament welcomes the Outjoyment Report conducted by Liverpool John Moores University and Sheffield Hallam University; acknowledges that the report, commissioned by The Camping and Caravanning Club, surveyed nearly 11,000 people to assess their attitudes toward the benefits of camping; recognises that the report found that 97% of campers said happiness was their top motivator for going camping, while 48% of campers reported feeling happy almost every day, compared with 35% of non-campers; further recognises that the report found that 93% of people go camping to enjoy being in nature, while 93% of campers value camping for the benefits it has for their health and wellbeing; notes the reported concerns raised by communities around Scotland that short-term lets, such as Airbnb, are changing the make-up of communities and their economies; reflects that, given these considerations, along with what it sees as the need to provide incentives to support local economies following the COVID-19 pandemic, the promotion of camping and its benefits are important; believes that promoting camping is also important in cultivating, especially in children, an appreciation for the environment and a passion to protect it; notes the belief that citizens across Scotland, including in the Glasgow Shettleston constituency, should consider the benefits of camping breaks for both their own health and Scotland’s local economy, and thanks Liverpool John Moores University and Sheffield Hallam University for what it considers this insightful report.
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