Portfolio Questions Health and Social Care John Mason S6O-01118 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the impact of minimum unit pricing of alcohol. Pam Duncan-Glancy S6O-01119 2. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports of long waiting times for women’s health screening in Glasgow. Monica Lennon S6O-01120 3. To ask the Scottish Government when the scoping exercise into the availability of specialist services within NHS boards for miscarriage and unexpected pregnancy complications will be completed. Christine Grahame S6O-01121 4. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to address any mental health and wellbeing issues arising from people experiencing loneliness, in part due to restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stephanie Callaghan S6O-01122 5. To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to improve commissioning and procurement in the social care sector in advance of establishing a National Care Service. Craig Hoy S6O-01123 6. To ask the Scottish Government what recent assessment it has made of delayed discharge in the NHS. Bob Doris S6O-01124 7. To ask the Scottish Government what provision exists to provide an in-patient specialist dermatology service for patients within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Paul Sweeney 8. [Not Lodged] Social Justice, Housing and Local Government Russell Findlay S6O-01126 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether the reasonable period of time for households to install interlinked fire alarms in line with the new legislation has now passed. Foysol Choudhury S6O-01127 2. To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the number of people facing eviction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Richard Leonard S6O-01128 3. To ask the Scottish Government what the implications are for Social Security Scotland of the redeployment of staff to the agency from the DWP. Jeremy Balfour S6O-01129 4. To ask the Scottish Government what its assessment is of Social Security Scotland’s efficiency in delivering benefits. Stuart McMillan 5. [Withdrawn] Pam Gosal S6O-01131 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the roll-out of social security benefits. Jim Fairlie S6O-01132 7. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the local government minister has had with local authorities regarding services to promote social wellbeing. Meghan Gallacher S6O-01133 8. To ask the Scottish Government how its housing strategy will support local authorities with developing dementia-friendly homes. followed by Scottish Government Debate: Community Wealth Building – Delivering Transformation in Scotland’s Local and Regional Economies That the Parliament recognises the huge potential of Community Wealth Building as a practical, place-based economic development model that can help transform local and regional economies to deliver a Wellbeing Economy for Scotland; agrees that Community Wealth Building can deliver more and better jobs, business growth, community-owned assets and shorter supply chains supporting net zero ambitions; welcomes the progress made by public, private and third sectors in implementing Community Wealth Building in Scotland so far; notes that the 2021 Programme for Government and recent National Strategy for Economic Transformation confirmed plans to introduce legislation on Community Wealth Building during the current Parliamentary session; believes that this provides an important opportunity to think creatively and innovatively about the interconnections and interdependencies between the economy, environment and society, and supports plans for wide engagement on this legislation. followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-02299 Fergus Ewing: Scotland’s Fair Share, the Potential of Solar Energy in Scotland That the Parliament welcomes Solar Energy Scotland’s policy agenda, Scotland’s fair share: Solar’s role in achieving net zero in Scotland, published in the run-up to COP26, which sets out the potential for solar energy to play a much greater role in Scotland’s low-carbon energy mix; understands that Scotland has levels of solar irradiation that can be effectively captured and that, compared to other nearby countries on the same latitude, such as Denmark, Scotland is behind in equivalent levels of solar technology deployment; considers that a number of policy matters within the control of the Scottish Government, including permitted development rights and business rates, could help the sector grow significantly; recognises what it sees as the ability of solar energy systems to work as a good companion to wind to make more effective, efficient use of the electricity grid and storage network; considers that, due to reported projections for solar to be the UK’s cheapest form of energy this decade, and to have the unique capability to be deployed at all scales, solar is vital to supporting an affordable energy mix, and a just transition, and notes the calls on the Scottish Government to urgently assess the potential for a 2030 solar deployment target of a minimum of 4GW, and accompanying policy changes to embrace and enable this low-cost mature technology, to help tackle the climate emergency and provide investment and jobs in communities up and down the country, including in the Inverness and Nairn constituency.
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