Time for Reflection: Rev Dr James Connolly, Minister, Dundee West Parish Church of Scotland followed by Topical Questions Katy Clark S6T-00293 1. To ask the Scottish Government, in light of reports of a legal opinion stating that local authorities cannot use their byelaw powers to implement buffer zones at NHS reproductive health facilities, how it will ensure that women have access to these services free from harassment. Jamie Greene S6T-00284 2. To ask the Scottish Government which victim support organisations it consulted with ahead of drafting the paper, Consultation on Bail and Release from Custody Arrangements in Scotland. followed by First Minister’s Statement: COVID-19 Update followed by Scottish Government Debate: Celebrate the First Anniversary of the Scottish National Investment Bank That the Parliament notes the impact that the Scottish National Investment Bank, the first mission-based investment bank in the UK, has made in its first year since launch in November 2020; supports the progress made by the bank through a wide range of investments in its first year; recognises the important role that the bank has in delivering a just transition to a net-zero economy; notes the need for innovative finance to achieve Scotland's goals on climate targets, housing and demographic challenges, and notes that the bank will continue to strengthen its role through investing in Scottish business, projects and communities and delivering positive environmental and social impacts, and positive financial returns for the people of Scotland, for many years to come. followed by Ministerial Statement: COP26 Outcomes followed by Urgent Question Meghan Gallacher To ask the Scottish Government what support is being provided to NHS Lanarkshire in light of reports that Wishaw Hospital A&E Department was at full capacity at the weekend with patients being transferred to Monklands Hospital. followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-01827 Emma Harper: World COPD Day 2021 That the Parliament welcomes World COPD Day, which takes place on 17 November 2021 and has a theme of Healthy Lungs – Never More Important; understands that Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a serious lung condition affecting 140,000 people across Scotland, and that an estimated 200,000 people across the country are said to be living with undiagnosed COPD; further understands that increased prevalence of COPD means that it is estimated that it will be the third most frequent cause of mortality worldwide by 2030; notes the publication of a new report by Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation Scotland, which surveyed over 8,000 people from across all four nations in the UK who have a diagnosis of COPD; understands that the majority of respondents to the survey reportedly conveyed that they are not receiving the five fundamentals of COPD care, which are offering smoking cessation, offering pneumococcal and flu vaccine, pulmonary rehabilitation, personalised self-management plan, and optimising treatment for comorbidities, and welcomes the steps that are being taken by the Scottish Government, in the devolved healthcare system, to improve the outcomes of those living with COPD, including through the publication of the Respiratory Care Action Plan in March 2021, which aims to improve the care and support for people with lung conditions, including COPD, through prevention, early diagnosis and addressing health inequalities that impact on COPD, such as smoking, air pollution and poor quality housing.
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