Time For Reflection Rev Anikó Schütz Bradwell, Minister of Humbie l/w Yester, Bolton and Saltoun Church followed by Topical Questions Tess White S6T-01010 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the cyber-attack on 4 August 2022 which reportedly targeted NHS Scotland's patient management software. Katy Clark S6T-01004 2. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to tackle cancer inequalities. Jamie Greene S6T-01012 3. To ask the Scottish Government what steps are being taken to tackle the illegal trade in puppies, in light of the Scottish Multi-Agency Strategic Threat Assessment report that the trade is funding serious organised crime. followed by Scottish Government Debate: EU Retained Law That the Parliament agrees that the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill threatens vital standards and protections built up over 47 years of EU membership and undermines devolution, and should, therefore, be scrapped by the UK Government. followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-05853 Clare Adamson: Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 2022 That the Parliament marks Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, which takes place in November, and World Pancreatic Cancer Day, which takes place on 17 November 2022; understands that pancreatic cancer is the deadliest common cancer in Scotland and the UK, with more than half of people diagnosed dying within three months; further understands that survival rates have barely changed in 50 years; considers that data on the experience of patients with this disease is incredibly scarce and poor, leading to concerns of patients’ voices being lost in the system; believes that support and information for patients with pancreatic cancer is often neither readily available nor forthcoming; applauds the work of the range of pancreatic cancer charities that do provide information and support for patients and their families; notes the view that more needs to be done to ensure that all patients get immediate and easy access to such support as soon as they are diagnosed, given that, it understands, currently only 12% of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in Scotland are using such support channels; commends all the charities and activist organisations and their dedicated supporters for their tireless efforts to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer, and wishes everyone involved with Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month every success in their endeavours.
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