Time for Reflection Alasdair Bennett, Chief Executive, Bethany Christian Trust followed by Topical Questions Murdo Fraser S6T-01495 1. To ask the Scottish Government what percentage of short-term let operators have applied to be licensed in advance of the deadline for applications under the licensing scheme of 1 October. Martin Whitfield S6T-01497 2. To ask the Scottish Government how many public buildings are currently at risk due to the exposure of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete. followed by First Minister’s Statement: Programme for Government 2023-24 followed by Scottish Government Debate: Programme for Government 2023-24 Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-09590 Christine Grahame: NHS Borders Paediatric Ambulatory Care Unit Celebrates 20th Anniversary That the Parliament congratulates NHS Borders on the 20th anniversary of its Paediatric Ambulatory Care Unit, which is based at Borders General Hospital, in Melrose; understands that the Paediatric Ambulatory Care Unit is a fundamental part of the wider innovation of children’s healthcare at NHS Borders with a focus on keeping children at home and avoiding time in hospital where possible; notes that the Unit was set up on 20 May 2003 to allow children to receive treatment and return home rather than having to be admitted to a ward and that, over the last 20 years, thousands of children have attended the Unit to have a range of assessments, procedures, investigations and treatments, and pays credit to the paediatric nursing team on their commitment, quality of care and innovation in developing the service, and contributing to a better experience for children and families who have been able to avoid being admitted to hospital thanks to the Paediatric Ambulatory Care Unit.
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