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Members' Business - Jeremy Balfour MSP: Scottish Disability Sport

Thursday 26 October 2017 11:48 AM


That the Parliament acknowledges that Scottish Disability Sport, in conjunction with other home country disability organisations, has developed a UK Disability Inclusion Training (UKDIT) course, which is aimed at those interested in becoming involved in sport for disabled people; understands that the workshop includes a mix of theory and practical delivery to enable participants to positively include disabled people in physical activity and sport; further understands that the workshop tackles issues such as perceptions, knowing the participant, communication, terminology, models of inclusion and practical opportunities to include disabled participants in a variety of settings; believes that the training has led to 94% of participants using the theory of inclusion principles, 84% reporting that the training had impacted on their teaching and 75% sharing their learning from the course with workplace colleagues, and notes that the workshop has been tailored to upskill and increase the confidence of teachers, students and staff in the education sector in the Lothian region and across Scotland who require support and guidance on how to effectively include disabled pupils in the delivery of sport and physical activity, in a way that is aligned to the curriculum for excellence and ensures a smooth transition into community-based sport.

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