That the Parliament recognises that World Menopause Day is held every year on 18 October; understands that around 400,000 women in Scotland are of menopausal age; acknowledges that most women will experience menopausal symptoms and in a variety of ways, which, for some, may be severe and have a large impact on their lives; notes that these symptoms can include memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, hot flushes and pain; further notes the encouragement given to women to access the support and advice to which they are entitled, such as through their GP and primary care team; welcomes the Scottish Government’s Women’s Health Plan which aims to alleviate women’s health inequalities and ensure that women can access specialist menopause services; notes the view that many women could benefit from flexibility from employers to manage menopausal symptoms and that employers should consider introducing a menopause policy to best support women in the workplace; understands that South Lanarkshire Council was the first local authority in Scotland to implement such a policy; acknowledges that there continues to be a taboo and stigma surrounding the menopause; welcomes the Scottish Government’s commitment to launch a public campaign to remove this and raise awareness of the symptoms of the menopause; notes the calls for young women and girls to be empowered through high-quality education on menstrual health, and further notes the view that awareness-raising of the menopause will help its impact be better understood and addressed.
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