That the Parliament acknowledges what it sees as the importance of NHS out-of-hours GP services; understands that, according to Healthcare Improvement Scotland, primary care out-of-hours services are a fundamental part of the healthcare service in Scotland; notes that the service provides support to those who require medical assistance outwith normal GP surgery hours; understands that this involves a number of healthcare professionals, agencies and support staff, such as drivers, working together to provide a high-quality and integrated service for patients, with many individuals going above and beyond their normal remit to ensure maximum quality of service; notes the view that Healthcare Improvement Scotland and many GPs have collectively acknowledged that the quality and safety of out-of-hours care, such as that available in Clackmannanshire, across the Mid Scotland and Fife region, and all over Scotland, is extremely important and that patients should have access to consistent, high-quality standards of care, and further notes the calls for all regions of NHS Scotland to do all that they can to maintain, sustain and retain their out-of-hours GP services.
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