That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Together for the One in Six report from the Neurological Alliance of Scotland; understands that the report draws its conclusions and recommendations from a survey of over 800 people living in Scotland with a neurological condition; notes that the report found there were delays in the diagnosis of and treatment for neurological conditions; considers that these findings are the result of pre-existing structural problems, exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; further considers that the Scottish Government’s plan to implement the Strategic Framework for Action on Neurological Care and Support has been delayed, and is unlikely to have achieved its objectives by its end point in 2025; highlights the view that services for children and young people with neurological conditions should be included in future strategic work; understands that the report concluded that there was a lack of data around the wider prevalence of neurological conditions, and notes the view that the Scottish Government must now address this and begin work to develop a comprehensive plan that ensures Scotland, including Aberdeenshire West, has the workforce and resources to support people with neurological conditions now and deliver better outcomes for them in the future.
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