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Members' Business — S6M-10234 Donald Cameron: Celebrating the Work of Dunoon Grammar School

Tuesday 06 February 2024 4:53 PM


That the Parliament congratulates the pupils, staff, parents and partners of Dunoon Grammar School on the school's ongoing and award-winning work collaborating with the local community and public bodies for the benefit of all; understands that the school has collaborated with a large number of organisations, including Apps for Good, Argyll Holidays, the Dunoon Film Festival, Police Scotland and the Wood Foundation, ensuring that its pupils leave school with a wider experience of the world outside; notes that the school is involved with a company set up to develop Dunoon as an adventure capital of Scotland, and provides a junior board to the company; commends what it sees as the empowering leadership of the school's head teacher, David Mitchell, who, it understands, supports staff, pupils, parents and partners to operate in the knowledge that the head teacher has their support; recognises that the school has been facilitated and supported by Argyll and Bute Council; believes that Dunoon Grammar School demonstrates that a school can be the heart of, and make a significant difference to, its community, and hopes that lessons can be learned throughout Scotland from the successful partnership between Dunoon Grammar School and Argyll and Bute Council.

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