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Members' Business — S6M-12891 Neil Bibby: Proposed Cuts to Renfrewshire HSCP Services

Tuesday 11 June 2024 5:07 PM


That the Parliament notes reports that Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) faces a £14.7 million budget blackhole as a result of Scottish Government underfunding and has proposed significant cuts to its local services, including in the West of Scotland region; recognises what it sees as the widespread concern amongst service users and families about the reported proposal to close Montrose Care Home, merge Mirin and Milldale Day Centres as well as withdraw funding for the Renfrewshire Head Injuries Service; believes that Montrose Care Home in Paisley is an excellent and vital public sector care home; further believes that the Mirin and Milldale day centres provide a lifeline service for hundreds of adults with learning disabilities and that the Quarries Renfrewshire Head Injuries Service provides invaluable support to over 80 users with complex and life-altering conditions; understands that serious concerns have been raised regarding the extent to which the consultations for these decisions have followed the proper processes and impact that they will have on hundreds of local families, including the workers, in Renfrewshire, and notes the belief that every effort should be made by the Scottish Government, Renfrewshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to reverse these proposals.

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