That the Parliament congratulates Tweeddale Youth Action (TYA) on celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024; notes that TYA, based in Peebles, provides a range of services to local young people, in addition to youth club drop-ins, excursions and holiday programmes, and also running the innovative Food Punks and Bike Punks initiatives; understands that Food Punks, a catering enterprise providing training to young people, has recently secured its first permanent premises on Peebles High Street, where it hopes to open a pizza shop, which will provide further hospitality training and employment opportunities for young people; further understands that Bike Punks also continues to go from strength to strength, with a workshop based in Innerleithen, tying in to the strong mountain biking presence in the area, which provides training on welding and repairing bicycles; believes that TYA has shown a genuinely innovative approach to improving the lives of local young people over its 25 years, which would not have been possible without the continuing hard work of the team of dedicated TYA staff, volunteers and trustees; wishes everyone involved the very best for the future, and recognises the contribution of youth work across Scotland in improving outcomes for young people.
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