That the Parliament notes with concern that many communities in Scotland, including those in the Edinburgh Western constituency such as South Queensferry, have been affected by antisocial behaviour and antisocial driving; understands that this kind of behaviour can have an impact on quality of life, businesses and community spaces; notes with concern the findings of the report, Still living a nightmare: Understanding the experiences of victims of anti-social behaviour, which has been published by Baroness Newlove and highlights the severe impact of unresolved antisocial behaviour on victims across the UK, including significant mental health issues; acknowledges and notes praise for the Silent Crime campaign for its work in raising awareness of what it believes are these often overlooked issues; recognises the hard work undertaken by Police Scotland and local authorities to tackle this behaviour, particularly around antisocial driving, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to create a national taskforce, which can examine and identify targeted measures to address this behaviour, including whether legislation can be tightened.
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