That the Parliament recognises the work of the Scottish Powerchair Football Association (SPFA), which was formed with support from the SFA in 2015; notes that it was established in recognition of the growth in the sport's popularity in Lothian and across the country, with the Peak Sports Centre in Stirling considered to be the sport's home; believes that it is run by volunteers who have made a genuine difference to the lives of powerchair users in Scotland; understands that, in March 2018, the SPFA applied for charitable status; hopes that the SCIO process will enable it to access greater funding opportunities; commends it on organising a national league and two knockout competitions, the League and Scottish cups; understands that, in May 2018, the SPFA organised a para-football event at which a number of players were selected for the Scotland international squad; believes that the organisation's commitment to the sport has enabled it to almost double the number of teams in the country, and wishes all involved with the SPFA continued success.
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