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Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Tuesday 25 January 2022 9:45 AM


1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Amendment Regulations 2022 [draft] from— Lorna Slater, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Ginny Gardner, Head of Circular Economy Unit, Environmental Quality & Circular Economy Division, Charles Holmes, Head of Producer Responsibility and Deposit Return Scheme team, and Ailsa Heine, Solicitor, Environmental Protection Branch, Scottish Government. 3. Subordinate legislation: Lorna Slater (Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity) to move Motion S6M-02582—That the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee recommends that the Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Amendment Regulations 2022 [draft] be approved. 4. The role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland: The Committee will take evidence from— Tracy Black, Scotland Director, CBI Scotland; Barry McCulloch, Head of Policy, Federation of Small Businesses Scotland; and then from— Sandy Begbie CBE, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Financial Enterprise; Jeremy Lawson, Chief Economist and Head of Climate Scenario Analysis, abrdn; Tim Lord, Head of Climate Change, Phoenix Group. 5. The role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland: The Committee will consider evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

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Latest meetings: Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee