1. Declaration of interests: Edward Mountain will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Choice of Convener: The Committee will choose a new Convener. 3. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 6 in private. 4. The role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland: The Committee will take evidence from— Andrew Burns, Member, Accounts Commission; Louise Marix Evans, Director, Quantum Strategy & Technology; Stephen Smellie, Vice Convener, UNISON Scotland; and then from— Councillor Gail MacGregor, COSLA Spokesperson, Environment and Economy, Dumfries and Galloway Council; David Hammond, Representative of Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (Solace) and Head of Sustainability, Corporate Property & Transport, North Ayrshire Council; Silke Isbrand, Policy Manager, Environment and Economy Team, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA); George Tarvit, Director, Sustainable Scotland Network. 5. Work programme: The Committee will consider its work programme. 6. Advisers: The Committee will consider a list of candidates for the post of adviser on environmental standards.
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