Rural Affairs and Islands David Torrance S6O-01006 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is regarding the impact on Scotland of recent reports that the UK Government’s Animals Abroad Bill is no longer likely to be introduced. Gordon MacDonald S6O-01007 2. To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made on establishing a Scottish agency to create a fully-functional, all-species data system for the registration of all livestock births, deaths and movements within Scotland. Brian Whittle S6O-01008 3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it takes to support the food and drink supply chain in order to increase the percentage of Scottish products in the food and drink that it is responsible for supplying to local authorities, NHS boards and other public bodies. Paul McLennan S6O-01009 4. To ask the Scottish Government what measures it is taking to support the pig farming industry in response to reported rises in the cost of feed, electricity, diesel, labour and haulage. Ariane Burgess S6O-01010 5. To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to support the creation of new rural jobs, including in nature restoration. Joe FitzPatrick S6O-01011 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its discussions with the UK Government regarding food security and supply. Martin Whitfield S6O-01012 7. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure that the agriculture sector plays a leading role in delivering a net zero Scotland. Alex Cole-Hamilton S6O-01013 8. To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take to support farmers, in light of reports that they are being impacted by the cost of living crisis.
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