Education and Skills
Alexander Burnett S5O-03917
1. To ask the Scottish Government how it is responding to reports that knowledge of changes in pupil performance is at a 70-year low.
Ross Greer S5O-03918
2. To ask the Scottish Government whether the review of coordinated support plans for children with additional needs will be conducted as part of or subsequent to the Morgan review of additional support needs.
Colin Smyth S5O-03919
3. To ask the Scottish Government when the root cause analysis report on the North West Community Campus in Dumfries will be published.
Angus MacDonald S5O-03920
4. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the latest teacher number statistics, and what steps it is taking to retain teachers at all levels of education.
Kenneth Gibson S5O-03921
5. To ask the Scottish Government what financial support it will provide to North Ayrshire Council to support the construction of a new Ardrossan Academy.
Gil Paterson S5O-03922
6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to improve teacher recruitment.
Liam Kerr S5O-03923
7. To ask the Scottish Government whether the performance of Scotland in maths and science that was recorded in the recent PISA results is its poorest.
Donald Cameron S5O-03924
8. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support pupil learning in the Highlands and Islands region.
Health and Sport
Sarah Boyack S5O-03925
1. To ask the Scottish Government what the impact has been of the Scottish Ambulance Service’s response times policy.
Murdo Fraser S5O-03926
2. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports that, since 2009, the number of GP practices in NHS Tayside has fallen from 69 to 63, while the average practice list size has increased.
Maurice Corry S5O-03927
3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking in response to reports of worsening delays in the waiting times for children and young people to receive mental health treatment.
Bob Doris S5O-03928
4. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to extend access to palliative care services for homeless people.
Edward Mountain S5O-03929
5. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to assist NHS Highland to reduce its reliance on locum staff.
Stewart Stevenson
6. [Not Lodged]
Peter Chapman S5O-03931
7. To ask the Scottish Government what measures it plans to take in response to statistics showing that 65.4% of patients referred to NHS Grampian were treated within 18 weeks.
Willie Coffey S5O-03932
8. To ask the Scottish Government how many people in East Ayrshire receive free personal or nursing care; what the qualifying age groups are to receive this, and what the annual cost is.
Communities and Local Government
Claire Baker S5O-03933
1. To ask the Scottish Government what funding streams and other support are available for alternative mechanisms to the business improvement district model.
Jamie Greene S5O-03934
2. To ask the Scottish Government how it is tackling social inequalities within communities.
Fulton MacGregor S5O-03935
3. To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to encourage more housebuilding in heavily populated urban towns and areas, such as Coatbridge.
Tom Arthur S5O-03936
4. To ask the Scottish Government how it supports communities in tackling inequality.
Colin Beattie S5O-03937
5. To ask the Scottish Government how its planning policy and guidance to local authorities on takeaway food outlets take account of its policies on healthy eating.
Jeremy Balfour
6. [Not Lodged]
Mike Rumbles S5O-03939
7. To ask the Scottish Government, further to its answer to question S5O-03821, what plans it has to require privately owned flats in tower blocks over 11 meters high to have fire safety certification.
John Finnie S5O-03940
8. To ask the Scottish Government when the planning decision on the proposed development of a golf course at Coul Links will be announced.
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