Justice and the Law Officers 1. Gillian Martin: 1. [Not Lodged] Peter Chapman S5O-00520 2. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions Police Scotland has had with local authorities regarding the management of unauthorised camping by Gypsy/Travellers. Adam Tomkins 3. [Withdrawn] Kate Forbes S5O-00522 4. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its consideration of the proposal to introduce travelling domestic abuse courts in the Highlands. Claudia Beamish S5O-00523 5. To ask the Scottish Government when the Cabinet Secretary for Justice last met Scottish Women's Aid and what issues were discussed. Neil Findlay S5O-00524 6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure that victims in Scotland of unethical undercover policing have access to justice. Jeremy Balfour 7. [Not Lodged] Mike Rumbles 8. [Not Lodged] Neil Bibby S5O-00527 9. To ask the Scottish Government what response it has received to its consultation on the integration of the British Transport Police in Scotland into Police Scotland. Linda Fabiani S5O-00528 10. To ask the Scottish Government when it will next meet the Chief Constable. Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Edward Mountain S5O-00529 1. To ask the Scottish Government how important it considers superfast broadband is to tourism in the Highlands. George Adam S5O-00530 2. To ask the Scottish Government how it is promoting culture in towns and cities. Douglas Ross S5O-00531 3. To ask the Scottish Government what recent assessment it has made of the tourism sector in the Highlands and Islands. Ben Macpherson S5O-00532 4. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on any communication it has had with the UK Government regarding the publication of Scotland’s Place in Europe. Dean Lockhart S5O-00533 5. To ask the Scottish Government how it is implementing the strategy, Tourism Scotland 2020. Sandra White S5O-00534 6. To ask the Scottish Government what the implications are for Creative Europe-funded projects in light of the EU referendum result. Clare Adamson S5O-00535 7. To ask the Scottish Government what response it has received to the publication of Scotland’s Place in Europe . Brian Whittle S5O-00536 8. To ask the Scottish Government how it encourages access to art, drama and music by all children, irrespective of background. Jackie Baillie S5O-00537 9. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on when the scaffolding will be removed from Dumbarton Castle. David Stewart S5O-00538 10. To ask the Scottish Government what support it can provide to the Morayvia project to allow it to move to alternative accommodation.
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