Education and Skills
Johann Lamont S5O-05138
1. To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has carried out of the number of school pupils in Glasgow experiencing digital exclusion.
Sandra White S5O-05139
2. To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with Glasgow City Council regarding the provision of Gaelic medium education.
Neil Bibby S5O-05140
3. To ask the Scottish Government what resources it has provided for investment in the West College Scotland campus.
Clare Adamson S5O-05141
4. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support lifelong learning and re-skilling.
Jamie Halcro Johnston S5O-05142
5. To ask the Scottish Government what support it will provide to schools in light of its announcement regarding the full-time return of pupils in April.
Jeremy Balfour S5O-05143
6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what it is doing to ensure that pupils are able to catch up on any learning lost as a result of school closures.
James Dornan S5O-05144
7. To ask the Scottish Government what support it is providing to assist children from the poorest backgrounds with their education.
Jamie Greene S5O-05145
8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its roadmap for higher education students to return to university.
Health and Sport
Monica Lennon S5O-05146
1. To ask the Scottish Government what financial commitment it has made to support the delivery of the refreshed Heart Disease Improvement Plan.
Claire Baker S5O-05147
2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what action it is planning to address the backlog in cervical screening appointments that has arisen because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether this will include offering HPV self-testing.
Maurice Corry S5O-05148
3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure wider accessibility to organised sport for children and young people once restrictions on this are lifted.
Annie Wells S5O-05149
4. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to research by the University of Edinburgh suggesting that more than half of severe COVID-19 cases were as a result of transmission in hospital during the second wave of the pandemic.
Emma Harper S5O-05150
5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the short review into cancer pathway arrangements and reimbursement of travel expenses for patients in Dumfries and Galloway, which it committed to carrying out on 24 November 2020.
James Kelly S5O-05151
6. To ask the Scottish Government what action is being taken to reduce hospital waiting times.
Tom Arthur S5O-05152
7. To ask the Scottish Government how it is supporting mental health services in the Renfrewshire South constituency.
Bill Kidd S5O-05153
8. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to encourage women and girls to participate in organised sport.
Communities and Local Government
Christine Grahame S5O-05154
1. To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made on increasing levels of community engagement since the enactment of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
Lewis Macdonald S5O-05155
2. To ask the Scottish Government what support it will provide for the regeneration of the city centre and beachfront in Aberdeen.
Liam McArthur S5O-05156
3. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met Orkney Islands Council and what was discussed.
Annabelle Ewing S5O-05157
4. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its housing strategy.
Maureen Watt S5O-05158
5. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to take forward the recommendations by the tenement maintenance working group in its strategy, Housing to 2040.
Ruth Maguire S5O-05159
6. To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take to increase the number of affordable homes.
Alasdair Allan S5O-05160
7. To ask the Scottish Government how much it has spent supporting communities affected by COVID-19 in the last year.
Gillian Martin S5O-05161
8. To ask the Scottish Government how many affordable homes it has delivered since 2007.
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