Net Zero, Energy and Transport Willie Coffey S6O-01589 1. To ask the Scottish Government how its proposed renewables revolution will benefit the Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley constituency. John Mason S6O-01590 2. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Friends of the Earth Scotland report, Hydrogen’s Role in Scotland’s Climate Journey . Murdo Fraser S6O-01591 3. To ask the Scottish Government when it expects the sections of the A9 trunk road from Perth to Inverness, on which made orders have been confirmed to create dual carriageways, to progress to procurement. Marie McNair S6O-01592 4. To ask the Scottish Government what support it is providing to bus companies that are currently facing driver shortages. Gillian Martin S6O-01593 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on progress on the A96 appraisal. Graham Simpson S6O-01594 6. To ask the Scottish Government how it is assisting delivery firms to decarbonise heavy goods vehicles. James Dornan S6O-01595 7. To ask the Scottish Government how its recent award of £6.437 million to Glasgow City Council to deliver energy-efficiency improvements to homes could benefit those in the Glasgow Cathcart constituency. Clare Adamson S6O-01596 8. To ask the Scottish Government what support is in place to help tackle fuel poverty in the Motherwell and Wishaw constituency, including for people with prepayment meters who are worried about rising energy costs.
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