Constitution, External Affairs and Culture Meghan Gallacher S6O-00319 1. To ask the Scottish Government what measures are currently in place to ensure the protection and preservation of war memorials. Willie Rennie S6O-00320 2. To ask the Scottish Government which conflicts its new Institute for Peacekeeping will aim to resolve and by when. Katy Clark S6O-00321 3. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the proposed £500,000 fund for local organisations in international development partner countries to take forward work to ensure women and girls are safe, equal and respected. Alex Cole-Hamilton S6O-00322 4. To ask the Scottish Government what engagement it has had with the organisers of major events since the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccination certification scheme. Marie McNair S6O-00323 5. To ask the Scottish Government how it is acting upon the recent recommendations of the Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population. Colin Beattie S6O-00324 6. To ask the Scottish Government how it will support opportunities for the cultural sector to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic this winter. Gordon MacDonald S6O-00325 7. To ask the Scottish Government what support it has offered Scotland’s cultural and heritage sectors in connection with COP26. Liz Smith S6O-00326 8. To ask the Scottish Government what actions the constitution secretary is taking to continually improve interactions with the other devolved administrations as well as the UK Government. followed by Scottish Government Debate: Accessing Scottish Social Security Benefits
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